Publication Socialism: Reality Instead of Myths
Peter, Daniela and Ľubica are co-authors of the publication Socialism: Reality Instead of Myths (Socializmus: realita namiesto mýtov), which was created within the project of the Conservative Institute of M. R. Stefanik Demolition of Myths about Socialism and the Social State and financed by the John Templeton Foundation.
The publication, whose ambition is to become a useful argumentative basis for dispelling today's myths about socialism and revealing its true nature, also covers the Slovak health care system. In the chapter dedicated to health and health care system, together with the former Minister of Health of the Slovak Republic Rudolf Zajac, we were given space to refute the myths about socialist health care, which is in people's memory connected with three concepts, namely free, accessible and better care.
The publication is available (slovak language, pdf) on the website buraniemytov.sk.